
How to contribute?

You saw a bug? You thought of an awesome feature that could be added to the application? Then you can contribute by either sending issues or submitting pull requests.

Send an issue

With issues you just highlight a bug or propose improvments.

To do so, you’ll have to go to the issue page (located here: and do the following steps:

  1. Click on “New issue”.
  2. Write a clear and concise title for your issue, like “Missing translation on the task creation page”.
  3. Give as much detail as possible in the issue comment. For instance:
     On the task creation page, the labels title and content are not translated.
  4. Choose a label, in this example it should be bug.
  5. Click on “Submit new issue”.

For instance, here is how the issue “Missing translation on the task creation page” could look like:

On the task creation page /tasks/create, the labels title and content are not translated.

Is it possible to have these labels translated?

Last tip: if you have more than one topic to expose, please do one issue per topic. For instance, if you see a missing translation and a broken link, do one issue for the missing translation and another one for the link.

Submit a pull request

With pull requests however, you can actually submit an improvement, a bug correction or a new feature by sending your homemade code.

To do so, first clone the project by executing git clone urlOfTheRepository in your project folder, where urlOfTheRepository can be found by clicking on “Clone or download” on the github repository (here:

Create a new branch and start coding whatever you want to add to the project in that branch, then execute git push origin nameOfYourBranchHere to send the branch to the GitHub repository when you’re done.

Last step, go to urlOfTheRepository/pull/new/nameOfYourBranchHere to submit your pull request.

You’ll be asked to add a title to your pull request, so as for issues, please write a clear and concise title showing the purpose of your pull request, for instance “Add missing translation on the task creation page”.

Also describe your work in the comment section and refer to the issue you wanted to cover by using the #code of the issue, like this: Will close #46.

Here is an example of how the pull request “Add missing translation on the task creation page” could be described in the comment section:

Will close #46

The title and content labels located on the task creation page /tasks/create were not translated.

This pull request adds a translation in french for those labels.

Last note

Any help will be greatly appreciated. So if you do help us, then thank you for contributing to this awesome project!